Join a community of like-minded scouts and discover the most appropriate players for your clubs. Build your own selection of transfers and work together to bring your proposals to life. Earn recognition and rewards for your contributions.
We believe that football transfers should be more accessible and inclusive. Our vision is to change the game by empowering fans to participate in player transfers, connecting players and their agents with clubs, and helping clubs find the right talent.
Find the next big football star! Mover allows you to scout players and propose transfers to clubs. Be part of our exclusive community, share scouting fees, earn rewards, and interact with players.
The player‘s profile will only be shared with a club if the transfer proposal is fully funded. If the funding target is not reached, all funds will be returned to backers.
Back the transfer to acquire a share of a scouting fee if a club signs a player.
MOVER platforma za množično financiranje prestopov športnikov.
Naš cilj je omogočiti nogometnim navdušencem postati agenti kar iz domačega naslonjača, klubom angažiranje navijačev in boljše obvladovanje nogometne tržnice, igralcem in agentom pa več priložnosti za dokazovanje klubom. Za ta namen smo vzpostavili spletno in mobilno platformo, na kateri lahko navijači priporočijo izbrane igralce določenemu nogometnemu klubu.