Empowering Football Fans
Mover is a sports tech startup and a fresh player in the football universe. We create new opportunities for fans, clubs, players, and agents.
While the journey of traditional football agents and scouts can feel challenging, we are pioneers in providing a platform for every football fan to be able to engage in this exciting part of the football business.
We believe football is much better when fans are involved! Once Mover is in full swing, it will allow a range of new opportunities and enable a more accessible, fluent, and transparent player transfer market.
Have a question or just want to say hi? Get in touch at:
Head of Scouting - WEST AFRICA
Join our dynamic community as a local or regional head scout. Play a pivotal role in Mover's journey to spot exceptional players and facilitate life-changing opportunities for them.
Pass us an email and gear up to join the starting lineup of our global scouting team!
MOVER platforma za množično financiranje prestopov športnikov.
Naš cilj je omogočiti nogometnim navdušencem postati agenti kar iz domačega naslonjača, klubom angažiranje navijačev in boljše obvladovanje nogometne tržnice, igralcem in agentom pa več priložnosti za dokazovanje klubom. Za ta namen smo vzpostavili spletno in mobilno platformo, na kateri lahko navijači priporočijo izbrane igralce določenemu nogometnemu klubu.